Parenting is a lot like boat building. You work really hard for a number of years to create a seaworthy vessel, you get help from others along the way, but basically it is your responsibility. Then one day, the boat is finished and you have to have faith that you have done a good job, set the boat off on its maiden voyage, and trust that it will come back to you for repairs and assistance.
The analogy goes further though, there are many different types of boats, large ones, small ones, motor boats, sail boats, paddle steamers, you name it, someone makes it. Then there are different things to make your boat from, be it wood, metal, fibreglass who knows what. Each of these different boats requires a different technique for building, and some just can’t be built the same way. Just like boats there are so many different types of kids, and they all need individual attention, and all need to brought up different ways. And at the end of the day, you still have to set them sail and let them make their own way in the world.
What brings this on, well Amber is about to turn 15, and starting in year 10 this year. So I realised the other day that that means in 3 years she’ll be off to make her own way in the world. I have to be prepared to send her on her way, and hope that I have done a good enough job rearing her that she manages and succeeds in the wide world out there. I’m not ready yet, but then we’ve still got 3 years.
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