While on holidays we took the kids to the beach. Four adults to six kids was a good ratio. It meant that most of us got to swim, except for poor old hubby who spent the whole morning chasing Possum, who wanted to run away. Yes, Possum was terrified of the ocean. All that water, moving back and forwards, and he’s not that good with water anyway. Amber had a ball, she and I swam out for a while, and then when I thought we were far enough out, we swam back, great to know that even with very little swimming in the past few years, I am still a more powerful swimmer than she is. As we turned back I saw that Techno Boy had followed us out, although he was quite a way behind us, so I told him to go back in. He is not a strong swimmer. In fact I caught up with him rapidly and then towed him in. Lily had a ball in the shallows. Yes I want to go back to the beach next time we have a summer holiday. I have always loved the way the seawater holds you up and supports you.
After the beach we went to the foreshore playground. It is a great water park, with water dropping from buckets, and squirting from poles, and squirting from the ground. As one thing goes on another goes off, and you can think you are safe when suddenly something behind you turns on and you get wet again. Luckily I was still in my bathers, as I got quite a bit wetter than planned. Possum enjoyed this one though. The water was more controllable and easy to escape from. Also there was a water gun, which he really enjoyed as it gave him the chance to wet his brother and sisters. Not something a 2 year old gets to do all that often.
It sounds like such a beautiful day