Five years ago, my brother decided it was time for a sea change. He would consider a tree change, but the sea was better. After some thought he and his partner decided that a caravan park would be the go. They looked into it, but couldn’t afford to buy one, well who can? So they changed plans and 3 years ago decided to buy a business in Broome. Lovely climate, who wouldn’t want it. They own the business, the corporate body owns the units, they manage accommodation and get a percentage. Sounds great, but it keeps them very busy. It would be so much easier if they owned the whole thing, whenever they want to change anything they have to convince the owners that it is a good idea. They need to refurbish the accommodation, they have lost one star, and need to fix it up to get it back. Yes I think they were done, the previous owner allowed it to run down and milked it for all it was worth, and then exaggerated everything to my brother. So he’s gone to Broome to relax and have family time, and he’s working harder and longer than ever before.
He came down to Perth last week, and we all caught up, it was great. Except he spent the morning on the computer doing business, yes he can’t even have a holiday without having to run the business long distance. At least his partner gets a break from cleaning rooms and other housekeeping duties, but the business manager is always on duty. So much for a sea change. Still we had a lovely time catching up, the kids always enjoy spending time with him, and its great to let him meat Possum again. My brother is such a good Uncle, it is so sad he lives so far away, we just can’t afford to visit him, have you any idea how much it costs to fly 6 people to Broome, way too much.
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