On Saturday night Lily (she’s 8) had her first sleep over. Every Saturday we have dinner at Mum’s place, Lily often heads over early to help prepare the meal, and then we all walk home together, a lovely evening. Last Saturday as we were cleaning up Lily asked if she could stay the night. Well of course we said yes, she’s never even asked before. We quickly popped home, grabbed her night things, spare clothes, teddy bear, packed them in a bag and back we went. She slept beautifully, not sure why we didn’t do it before. Actually I know exactly why we didn’t do it before, she wasn’t ready. This is the child that I had to talk into bed when I was away over night, she wouldn’t go to bed until I told her a story over the phone. This is the child who spends about half of every second night in my bed sleeping with me. This is the child who won’t go to sleep if I haven’t tucked her in, given her a kiss and read her a story. Lily just wasn’t ready for a night away from home, but now she is. She is now excitedly planning more nights at Grandma’s and maybe even a sleep over at her best friend’s. It is amazing how things can change in a moment. It is amazing how they suddenly grow up when you aren’t looking.
What a big step for her! They grow up so quickly, hey?
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