We went to Perth last week, we often go there for a few days during the holidays. On Thursday Hubby and Amber went to a gym coaching course. They learned heaps. The other three kids and I took the bus to Kings Park and had a ball. Possum loved the bus, first time my country kids have been on public transport, they found it really exciting. We caught up with some friends, Thursday was a great day. Friday wasn’t so good.
On Friday morning we all woke up after two bad nights, so were tired and grumpy. We headed to Uni to pick up my text book, and to have a family photo whith Hubby in his academic regalia (he graduated from his MBA earlier this year). Things started to go wrong, we did get my text book and some other useful books, however there was a graduation on, so the line for photos was too long. We decided to prebook next time.
So we headed home, drove down Berwick Street towards Canning Hwy, we were slowing down for the intersection and as we drove past the fast food place, with a van to our left, a 4WD pulled out and hit us. He couldn't see us past the van, which turned in. I was chatting with the kids when suddenly this huge maroon monster came straight at me. Luckily Hubby and the driver were aware and pulled away from each other, but we still crunched. The 4WD was attached to our front left wing, my door was blocked shut. We were stuck in the middle of a busy road, with four kids in the car and no way of getting away. Hubby got out and then Amber hopped out to help, I kept the other three in the car while I rang our insurance to see about help.
When the tow truck arrived we all hopped out and carefully crossed the road to a vacant block and watched the tow truck diver separate our vehicles and then we road in the tow truck to the panel beaters. Another excitement for the kids, but definitely something we could have done without. We spent the next three hours at the panel beaters talking to our insurance, and the other driver’s insurance, trying to sort out how we would get home. Our insurance was happy for us to catch the train home at 7am on Saturday, so they were happy to pay for accommodation on Friday night. We weren’t happy with that. Imagine trying to cart 6 people’s Perth luggage, plus all the miscellaneous junk from the car home on a train. Not only that to get to the train station on time we’d have to get up at 5 am. After more discussion, we organized a car from one group and accommodation from the other, so we spent another night in Perth, and drove home the next day.
The staff at the panel beaters were so helpful, they gave us a good idea of what was reasonable to expect from insurance, and they were so happy to have us crowding their office. They offered the kids food and drinks and luckily they had some Garfield comics so the older kids were entertained. They were great.
On Saturday morning we picked up an 8 seater, packed all our junk into it and came home. Must say I didn't like it, it doesn't like going round curves faster than 60 so once we got out of the city, it was very frustrating, it just didn't want to turn. We definitely aren't getting one of those if our car is written off. Actually I hope the car isn't written off, as I like it and we can't really afford another, even with the insurance.
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