School resumed this week. The kids were very excited to get back to see their friends and to have a change from being with me all day. We had a bit of an exciting beginning, I’d spent the whole holiday thinking that school went back on Tuesday. So we had a relaxed weekend, planning to spend Monday making sure everything was ready. Just before bed on Sunday a friend from Perth mentioned her kids were starting back on Monday, I just thought we were starting later because we are country folk. Then Monday morning, I wondered, so I checked last years newsletter, and surprise, surprise we were starting that day. So I roused the kids out of bed, and they rushed into their clothes, I packed their lunch boxes and off we went. Luckily everything except the tissue boxes was already organised. Monday I bought the tissues and they took them in on Tuesday.
They have all had a great first week, enjoying their new classrooms, with new expectations, and enjoying seeing all their friends. Amber and Lily are enjoying the new challenges of harder classes and higher expectations, Techno Boy is wishing he could spend his days at home, free to do as he wills. On Friday Techno Boy’s teacher pulled me aside in the playground to tell me that he had homework, apparently his teacher is very organised (yes I should have known as Amber had him for two years) and gave out homework on day one. Lily won’t be getting any homework until next Tuesday, and of course Amber in High School has homework from day one, but at least she does it (with a lot of prompting, she’d rather read).
Possum and I have been having lots of fun, going to the park each morning after we drop the kids off. I’m looking forward to flying start so he can have some structure every week. He loves it, and so do I. The biggest thing is that we miss the kids, it gets lonely during the daytime with just the two of us at home. Still we have lots of fun in the park and at the shops, but I’ve got to do some work sometimes, and he wants me to play with him as he misses is brother and sisters. Then they come home and just want to chill, and he’s excited to see them and wants to play. Hopefully we’ll sort this out soon.
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