Writing a blog is a bit of a balancing act. How to include enough detail to be interesting, but little enough to ensure privacy. This wouldn’t be so important if it was just me, but there are the kids as well. I mention them all the time, after all they are a very important part of my life. So how much detail to include? Do I use their names, and if not how do I refer to them? It would be easy if I just had a boy and a girl, but I have two of each. I can’t refer to the younger ones as the little girl and boy for ever. So I asked the kids. The response was: Amber (14), eldest born, wonderful daughter.
Techno boy (11), next one, into everything, still.
Lily (8), actually I forgot what she wanted to be called so am waiting for her to come home from school, my fashionista girl.
Possum (2), bonus baby, into everything.
The unconventional man, my other half,.
Me, well I’m the unconventional wren, and it looks like Amber is following in my footsteps, remains to be seen where the others end up, all part of the fun of the journey that is my family.
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