I just need to brag, this week has been great.
On Monday, Possum had orientation for kindy (in WA kindy is the first year of school, run by school, at school, for kids who turn 4 by 30th of June). He was so well behaved, he sat and listened to the story, he did all of the craft activities, he played really well with the other kids, I’m so happy.
Tuesday, Techno Boy and Lily had their end of year concert and awards night. It went really well, the kids were great, and got all of the steps right. Bonus is that Lily won the Endeavour award for her year, that means she tries the hardest out of all her peers. Techno Boy won the Science award for year 7 (final year of primary school here in WA), a very prestigious award, with a family pass to Scitech and a year’s subscription to a science mag. To make the evening even better, Otherhalf and Amber ran the lighting and sound, and went off without a hitch, also Possum was very well behaved.
Wednesday, Otherhalf and Amber also did lighting and sound for the other primary school in town.
Today, Amber's end of year assembly, again Possum behaved really well, and Amber received the Italian award.
I'm so proud I could burst.